
Weight loss treatment and bariatric surgery in Cuba. Spas and resorts

Bariatric surgery is provided by various Cuban health institutions.

bariatric surgery in CubaObesity can not only be fatal; it is the leading cause of chronic non-transmissible diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular, kidney, respiratory and joint conditions. Obesity can also affect a person's self-esteem; lead to a negative body image, depression, stigmatization, marginalization, and isolation. Women who have obesity are also at a greater risk for having issues with conceiving.

A possible treatment for this condition is bariatric surgery which encompasses a series of procedures designed to remove a portion of the stomach or re-route the small intestine to a small stomach pouch, in order to restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold.

Several years ago, these were large-scale invasive procedures with high mortality rates. Now, however, they are preformed using a minimally invasive technique known as laparoscopic surgery, which allows the surgeon to work with precision, and reduces patient recovery time, post-surgery pain, and damage to the body.

Bariatric surgery is one of our most popular programs among international patients who come to Cuba to be treated for a health problem.

One of the most popular internationally regulated and accepted weight-loss procedures is a gastric sleeve which consists of removing around 80% of the stomach and leaving a small tube able to hold between 150 and 200 milliliters of food.

Meanwhile, gastric bypass surgery contributes to weight-loss by dividing the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch after which the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both. It's a common form of weight loss or "bariatric" surgery. It produces reliable results with minimal side effects and carries what most doctors and patients consider to be acceptable risks. Gastric bypass history goes back more than half a century and as such there are no mysteries attached to it for either the surgeon or the patient.

While gastric bypass has become a commonplace procedure, it is not one without risks nor is it a quick fix weight loss solution. It entails a lifetime commitment to eating better, taking the prescribed supplemental vitamins and minerals and avoiding things like fatty foods and sweets.

weight loss surgery costs compared

Bariatric surgery costs in Cuba see below on this page.

Any gastric bariatric surgery procedure in Cuba can be easily booked by any international patient on his own. One just needs to know which hospital to turn to for direct talk.

To be eligible for the procedure a patient must suffer from severe obesity and/or related non-transmissible chronic diseases, and have an understanding of the type of surgery they are going to receive. They must show evidence, validated by specialists, of previous unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, after which they undergo a pre-op evaluation to measure their health parameters. Patients must remain in the country for over a week, during the first three days of which they undergo pre-op medical checks, either outpatient or admitted, depending on their preference. They must then remain in the hospital for 72 hours after the procedure to undergo post-op assessments and rigorous observation, while the length of a patients' stay can be extended depending on the results of their evaluation and recommendation of their doctors. Patients will notice immediate results, but must continue to follow a specialized treatment plan which includes lifestyle changes, above all in regards to diet. Cuban doctors advise patients on what kind of foods they should be eating, how much, when, with what, and in what way, as well as information on the right kind of exercises to do.

weight loss programmes are of strong demand foreignersAll medical treatments are strictly individual. Cost of treatment program to be determined case by case. For correct weight loss programming previous medical history assessment taken by a professional physician is necessary.

Post Weight Loss Surgery After Care in Cuba is more than affordable

The problem that we have seen with patients going out of their home country for bariatric surgery, is they do not have the appropriate after care. If they experience any complications post weight loss surgery, it may be left stranded with no one to take care of them and a very expensive hospital bill. Please find out with your Cuban hospital post surgery care eligibility and costs.

New Studies Suggest Obesity Tied to Risk of Complications After Plastic Surgery

Many times people who are obese are admitted back into the hospital within thirty days after the operation. This highlights the vital need to be informing obese patients about the increased risks they face when having surgical procedures.

It's very important that the surgeon educate his patients about the risk they face or potential complications before undergoing any procedure. Plastic Surgeons should be responsible for managing the health conditions the patient has presently so not endanger them when doing a new procedure. This is important for the patients to know because some insurance companies are known to not cover additional procedures that may arise because of complications.

It was also found that patients with three or more health issues who had abdomioplasty had the highest rate of visits to the hospital. On another note 3.2 percent of the patients developed complications within 30 days after their procedure compared to 0.9 percent of those who were not considered obese. The patients who experienced these complications also experienced increased health costs to the tune of $3,900 after liposuction, $7,000 after a abdomioplasty and $7,400 higher after a breast reduction surgery.

New data shows cancer linked to obesity

Basically, four out of every 10 adults is going to be struggling with obesity. That's a number that kind of scares you when you think about all of the negative health effects that can come with that. Some of the most common issues associated with obesity include heart disease, diabetes and poor blood circulation. However, the American Cancer Society found obesity is also linked to 13 types of cancers, including breast, colon, kidney and pancreatic cancer.


Program of Exogenous Obesity (Evaluation and Treatment)

Coming soon: gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery programs desciption and costs. Please contact us for prompt info provision if necessary

Obesity is the excessive increase of weight at the expense of fats and its constituents and it is the most important factor of risk for many illnesses that can limit your quality of life and put it in danger.

The aesthetics of the human being rest fundamentally in the biotype and it is obesity what in a higher degree attemps against a suitable physical appearance.

PRICE: $2700.00 CUC.

It is recommended to continue an additional cycle of 28 nights of Accommodation, 4 consultations of each of the following specialities: Nutrition, Psychology and Physiatrics and 44 additional sessions of therapeutic applied gymnastics and dietotherapy.

PRICE: $2000.00 CUC

Medical treatment procedures costs

CUC prices

1- Hydrotherapy/Hidroterapia/

Price, CUC

Medicinal mineral bath in collective pool and exercises /Baño con agua minero medicinal en piscina colectiva con ejercicios dirigido


Nebulizer (spray)/Nebulizador (aereosol)


Hidropinia (orally, 250 ml glass)/ Hidropinia (Oral, vaso de 250 ml)


2- Mud/ Fangoterapia

Total bath tub / Baño total en bañera


Regional Implementation /Aplicación Regional


Aplicación Método egipcio


3- Treatments at the gym that includes the following options / Tratamientos en el gimnasio que incluye las opciones siguientes


  • Exercise mat/ Ejercicios en colchoneta

  • Exercises with medicine balls and weights / Ejercicios con pelotas medicinales y pesas

  • Wheel or shoulder exercises /Ejercicios con rueda de hombro

  • Bicycle ergometer Exercises / Ejercicios con bicicleta ergometrica

  • Rowing exercises / Ejercicios con remos

  • Exercise treadmill / Ejercicios con estera rodante

5- Massage Therapy / Masoterapia

Body massage with manual and equipment (General)
Masaje corporal manual y con equipo (General)


Partial manual massage equipment (Local)/ Masaje parcial manual con equipo (Local)


6- Kinesiology / Kinesioterapia

Active upper limb exercises / Ejercicios activos de miembros superiores


Active exercises of lower limbs / Ejercicios activos de miembros inferiores


Physical exercises / Ejercicios corporales


Aerobic exercises / Ejercicios aerobios


Motion exercises / Ejercicios de marcha


Therapeutic Sports / Deportes terapeuticos


7- Traditional Medicine / Medicina tradicional

Acupuncture / Acupuntura


Muxibustion / Muxibustion


8- Other services/ Otros servicios

Individual Sauna / Sauna individual


Collective Sauna / Sauna colectiva


Free facial mask Treatment / Tratamiento facial sin mascarilla


Facial mask Treatment / Tratamiento facial con mascarilla


Podiatry Treatment / Tratamiento de podología


9- Medical Exam Free / Consultas Incluidas en el tratamiento


Consultations with specialists Consultations and re- consultations with general surgery specialist
Consultations and re- consultations with specialist of Nutrition
Consultations and re- consultations with specialist of Endocrinology
Consultations and re- consultations with specialist of Psychology


Pre-surgical Researches
 Minimal Coagulogram
 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
 Complete hemogram
 Creatinine
 Glycemia
 Determination of blood type ABO and RH
 Quantitative Serology (VDRL)
 Rapid antibodies test against the HIV-1/2
 Simple thorax radiography
 Electrocardiogram
 Cituria

Endocrine Researches

Determination of T3
 Determination of T4
 Determination of TSH
 Glycosylated Hemoglobin Hemo-chemical Researches
 Albumin
 Gamma-glutamyl transferase
 Entire proteins in blood serum
 TGP Pneumological Researches
 Respiratory functional tests Diagnostic gastroenterological researches
 Videopanendoscopy Serological Researches
 Test of Helicobacter Pylori Imagery Researches
 Echocardiogram (bi-dimensional, pressed Doppler, continuous and color) color impression or in CD
 Diagnostic ultrasound scanning of complete abdomen
 Endoscopic Instrumentations Duodenal Smear

Price: 1600,00 CUC

Notes: Accompanist's accommodation 40.00 CUC daily with included feeding. There are excluded medicines, disposable material, blood, derivatives.

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