Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers in Cuba
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Lung Cancer (Cimavax Vaccine treatment), Colorectal Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Prostate Cancer,
Cosmetic minimally invasive Liposuction, breast augmentation, Mommy Tuck, Blepharoplasty (Droopy Eyelids), Nose Job
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Anyway some info about Cuban clinics you can also get right here.
William Soler Pediatric Hospital and Pediatric Cardiovascular Centre (Avenida San Francisco s/n entre B y C. Altahabana, La Habana, tel.++(53 7)578725/26/27/28-34) was inaugurated at the same time that the National Cardiopediatric Network, by Commander in chief Fidel Castro Ruz on August 25th, 1986. The first surgery was performed at the early date of October 27th, 1986.This Cardiovascular hospital is the national reference center for pediatric cardiology and cardiovascular surgery, and the leading institution of the National Program for the Attention of Children with Heart Diseases.
The National Pediatric Cardiology Network provides health care coverage to children with heart disease in the country, ensuring continuity of care at all levels of the National Health System. This program is subordinated to the Mother and Child Department of the Ministry of Public Health.
The Pediatric Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program is a quality leap in the comprehensive care of patients, since 1992.
The teaching, research and scientific activities exhibit satisfactory results. The center is recognized in the world for the treatment of congenital cardiovascular ailments and also the in the introduction of new diagnostics, therapeutic and rehabilitation techniques.
One example is the broad range of scientific works, education and research that has been presented by its specialists in congresses and national and international events.
The main cancer centre in Cuba is the Havana-based Instituto de Oncología y Radiobiología(Calle 29, Esquina a F (esquina = corner), Vedado – Municipio Plaza, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba tel.(537) 552577, 552587, 552578). In addition to having an outstanding record in cancer-based research, treatment and indeed prevention, this hospital is also incorporated into Cuba's Health Tourism program which facilitates overseas patients receiving care.
The National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Cuba (INOR), in Havana, is dedicated for more than 50 years to the diagnosis, treatment and research of cancer, for which offers services of surgical oncology and other non-surgical and radiotherapy, chemotherapy, onco-pediatrics, neuro-oncology and psychology. Moreover, it has a pain clinic and practices nuclear medicine. It stands out for the introduction and development of advanced medical technologies, supporting the provision of treatments of the highest standards, comparable to those of prestigious institutions in developed countries. INOR also offers medical international services since 1995 and attended patients from more than 52 countries, mainly from American countries like Mexico, Venezuela, United States and Canada, and also from Europe.
The INOR, combining assistance, postgraduate teaching and research, advances in the introduction of technologies such as the PETSCAN for the diagnosis of lesions small tumor and inside operative radiotherapy.
It is the leading institute in Cuba in the oncology specialty. Its services are based on the highest ethical and human principles to improve patient's welfare and develop various actions of scientific dissemination. The center, along with the Departments of Clinical Laboratory and imaging, has surgical, clinical oncology, progressive care and trial research services. The treatment options include the utilization of conventional medicine, as well as natural methods.
Another novelty is the Cuban treatment for non-small cell lung cancer: therapeutic vaccine Cimavax, created by anti-tumor antibodies specific for this type of cancer. Cuba has national programs for control and prevention of the disease, that massive investigation of oral cancer, prostate, cervix and breast. Concerning the experience of treatment in more than 100 cases, specialists have proven that the vaccine improves respiratory symptoms and significantly reduces the size of the tumor, allowing raising their quality of life and survival of patients. But what make a distinction in the Institute in cancer treatment is the personalized attention and holistic approach and humanist of the procedure, as well as the high level of specialists and the cost lower for international customers of those other institutions of its kind in the world.
To enquire about whether or not CimaVax-EGF is being made available to foreign patients you can either send an email to the attn. of Dr. José Andres López Losada, at , noting in the subject line "para Dr. Losada, jefe, Turismo de Salud," or you can call him at his direct office phone number at (537) 832-2202 should you wish to speak with him in person. Above find the address of the Hospital.
Comandante Manuel Fajardo Hospital which has the only psychiatric ward for foreigners is located at Zapata y D. Vedado; tel.: 537-55-2466 and 537-33-3701.
Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute continues to improve in comprehensive treatment and specialized attention of its neurological-degenerative illness and those that increase due to the aging population. The challenges for the center are the development of advanced and minimum invasive neurological surgery techniques for the treatment of tumors of the central nervous system and the increase of research in neurological sciences.
Among the projections of the Institute are the development of diagnostic technology for neurological ailments through MRI with the construction of a high camp equipment and strengthening a comprehensive attention of patients with epilepsy, movement disorders and neuro-muscular ailments, neurological stimulation and neurological modulation techniques in diseases of the central nervous system and the treatment of pain, among others.
After 56 years since creation the Institute's main impacts are related with the following research topics: epidemiology in neurological ailments (Parkinson, Guillain-Barre; epilepsy, vascular diseases and brain tumors). Other inquiries are discussed on the development of new methods for the prenatal molecular diagnosis and carriers of severe neurological diseases (spine and muscular atrophy); epidemic neuropathy (optic and peripheral) hyperthyroidism, dementia and the study of neurological psychology in neurological genetic ailments.
The Neurological and Neurosurgery Institute is a national reference for the diagnosis and treatment of the ailments that affect the central and peripheral nervous system includes specialists in Neurology, Neurosurgery and other disciplines in the field.
The center is recognized by its assistance, education and clinical and basic researches, that contribute to stimulating scientific inquiries and offers a better medical attention, achieving a high grade of satisfaction in the patients.
The center is also highlighted by the effective modification of its indicators of neurological and neurosurgical diseases in children and adults, in addition to the development of highly specialized human resources.
Camilo Cienfuegos International Retinitis Pigmentosa Center
Calle L No. 151 e/Línea y 13. Vedado. Ciudad de La Habana. Cuba, telfs.: (+53 7) 33-3886, 33-3539, 32-5555, 32-3507.
Founded in 1992, provides specialized medical care for the diagnosis and treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa, using the method created by the eminent Cuban scientist Prof. Orfilio Pelaez Molina, MD, PhD (1923-2001). This Cuban therapy, being the only one of its kind, is the flagship product of this institution, which has treated patients from more than 104 countries worldwide.
The Center expands its specialty care services for different ophthalmologic diseases such as myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, keratoconus and other corneal diseases, implementing the new techniques of Excimer and Femtosecond Laser Surgery with intracorneal rings implants and corneal transplantation. This clinic also offers medical programs for diagnostic confirmation, medical and surgical treatment for conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, strabismus, retinal diseases, diseases of eyelids and tear ducts, among others.
It also specializes in medical the prognosis and treatment of retinitis pigmentosa exclusively based on the Cuban therapeutic experience in this field – the center deals with other eye diseases such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, squinted eyes, cornea ailments and other disorders. This center stands tall as a national reference entity and methodological director of the National Retinitis Pigmentosa Program in Cuba. It also provides highly trained professionals who were gathered and mostly educated by Dr. Orfiho Pelaez Molina, the centers founder.
In the same breath, the center boasts superb infrastructure, amazing equipment and great know-how. On a timely basis, Cuba's therapy for retinitis pigmentosa is combined with the application of surgical elements, ozone therapy, electrical stimulation, medications and other suggestions. As years have rolled on, the institution has reached out to other ophthalmologic branches, bringing in new treatments and therapies for many other non-related disorders and diseases. Conveniently located in a key spot of the capital city, the center has 70 air-conditioned guestrooms, broken down in double, triple and suites, all of them equipped with cable TV, phone, minibar, private bathroom, plus an array of basic and complementary services.
Rosa Luxemburg Neurological Development Rehabilitation Center, (Pediatric, located in the municipality of Cárdenas, province of Matanzas)
The institution emerged in response to the need to follow closely all pregnancies at-risk for variations in neurological development, and provide comprehensive medical attention at birth by different specialists, capable of intervening immediately if a newborn shows signs of abnormal development, taking advantage of the baby's plasticity, before habits and postures become irreversible. Children diagnosed with an epileptic focus which causes hyperactivity or exhibiting behaviors considered characteristic of autism receive careful attention here from neurologists, physical therapists, psychologists and rehabilitation specialists, who celebrate the accomplishments of every patient, love their work, and dedicate the time and effort needed, to see through their recovery from pathologies caused by prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal problems. Treatment is personalized, but most patients participate in group activities, too, as is the case with music therapy, provided by speech, language and voice therapists. The Centre's staff uses inclusive group therapies, homogeneous in terms of age and heterogeneous in issues, syndromes and pathologies.
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If you are looking for a special clinical contact in Cuba don't hesitate to ask us for a special research. Fees more than moderate.
International Clinics for Tourists
International clinics provide emergency medical care and are located in most major tourist areas around the island.
Clinica Internacional de Playas del Este
Ave. de las Terrazas No. 36 in Playa Santa Maria del Mar, Habana del Este.
Ciudad de La Habana
Telefonos: (53 7) 97-1032
Clinica Internacional de Cienfuegos
Calle 37 No. 202 e/ 2 y 4 Punta Gorda. Cienfuegos
Telefonos: (53 432) 45-1622 or 1623
Clinica Internacional de Trinidad
Calle Lino Perez No. 130 esq. Reforma Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
Telefonos: (53 419) 3391
Clinica Internacional de Cayo Coco
Hotel Tryp Club Cayo Coco. Ciego de avila
Telefonos: (53 33) 301205 > 301300
Clinica Internacional de Santa Lucia
Residencia No. 4, Playa Santa Lucia. Camaguey
Telefonos: (53 32) 366203 Fax: (53 32) 365300
Clinica Internacional de Guardalavaca
Calle 2da s/n Playa Guardalavaca. Holguin
Telefonos: (53 24) 3-0291
Clinica Internacional Santiago de Cuba
Calle 13 y 145 Reparto Vista Alegre. Santiago de Cuba
Telefonos: (53 226) 42589 Fax: (53 226) 87001