Eye Care and Top Quality Surgery Affordable in Cuba
Preventing Blindness in Cuba
Cuba has increased number of surgeries aimed at prevention of blindness due to cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, corneal clouding, refractive defect, macular degeneration due to age. In the last four years, cataract surgery has increased dramatically. In 2016 over 35 thousand surgeries of this type was carried out in Cuba and in 2017, the number increases to 38 thousand. That is a historic record in the country.
Medical care at Cuban ophthalmological hospitals includes diagnosis, treatment and surgical solutions, as well as emergency services, ambulatory care and hospitalization if needed. Cuban eye clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology for the diagnosis of various eye diseases and innovative surgical techniques. Medical services include corneal refractive surgery, cataract, glaucoma, cornea, low vision, oculoplasty, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, retina, neuro-ophthalmology and other ophthalmic subspecialties.
Best Cuban eye clinics provide medical care to patients from other countries. Health care services under this program are provided in the areas of Retina, Cataract, Cornea, tear ducts, Strabismus, Contact Lenses, Glaucoma, Refractive Surgery and Neuro-ophthalmology.
As for costs for a consultation, as well as for surgery and a hospital stay if necessary, this would depend on the nature of the problem as well as the recommended treatment and follow-up, and would need to be discussed with the hospital itself.
Any eye surgery in Cuba can be easily booked by any international patient on his own. One just needs to know which hospital to turn to for direct talk. Please keep in mind that the best way to start is to get in touch with Cuban clinic directly to schedule a consultation or get a free assessment. Please note we are a paid directory.
Don't hesitate to DROP US A LINE: drcubamd@gmail.com
Model Eye Care Treatment: Ophthalmological Evaluation
Hospitalization: 7 nights (Medical and nursing care, accommodation and food with optional menu)
Specialized Consultation of Ophthalmology
Specialized Consultation of Internal Medicine
Clinic and Laboratory Investigations:
Blood Group and Rh Factor
Leucogram with differential
Glycemic and Creatinine
Simple Coagulogram
Chest X-ray
Ophthalmological Investigations:
Ocular Tonometry
Eye fundus
Ultrasound scan
Kinetic and Static Perimetry
Transfer in/out
Total: $1400.00 CUC
Plus the person accompanying the patient: $1680.00 CUC
Primary Chronic Simple Glaucoma of Open Angle

It is true that Glaucoma is one the leading causes of blindness in the world, but an early diagnosis, an adequate surgical treatment and a systematic control by experienced specialists prevent from suffering blindness.
Operation Program for One Eye
4 Nights of Hospitalization
7 Nights of accommodation (Postoperative control)
Ophthalmology specialized care
Re-appointment with a specialist in Ophthalmology
Preoperative checkup
Ophthalmological research:
Computerized static perimetry
Ultrasonographic research:
Ocular diagnostic ultrasound
Surgical Operation:
This Program also includes:
Hospitalization in a private room with air conditioning, food, specialized medical and nursing care, right to operating room, right to anesthesia, postoperative resucitation and surgical operation.
Excludes: Blood, blood derivatives or substitutes, drugs and disposable material.
Total: $1510.00 CUC