forum We are the 1st fee-based Cuban medical clinics and doctors information directory, adviser and guide

In fact, Cuba has one of the finest medical systems in the world! If you look into the subject, you will find that Cuba developed some vaccines which are used all around the world, that Cuban doctors use the same equipment as US doctors and those in the industrialized countries, and that Cuban doctors are in demand throughout the world. Many hospitals and health institutions in Cuba received honorary prizes for the quality of their services and equipment.

don't hesitate to contact us: doccubamd@gmail.comLooking for more information about medical treatment in Cuba or want to be assigned to a clinic that matches all of your demands? Sometimes we can be helpful but we would strongly advise you NOT to discuss with us your physical and emotional concerns but make effort and talk to a properly-qualified medical doctor in Cuba.
On the basis of doctor's talk with you, plus his examination and tests, the doctor should probably be able to tell you what he thinks is the likeliest outlook of your issue.

Cutting out the middleman could dramatically lower your health care costs. Contact Cuban clinic on your own

We encourage you to submit your treatment aplications to Cuban clinics directly avoiding middlemen. We sell the right Cuban clinic address at only EUR 5.- (that's U$ 5.60 or CAD 7.50), while Cuban clinics don't charge any fee for evaluation. Meanwhile if you turn to a middleman to process your application you will pay U$ 100 advance and a fraction of treatment bill later.

Discreet and privacy. Please don't send us your medical history. Submit it directly to Cuban clinic

We don't possess specific storage and management capabilities to comply with personal data protection regulations in effect. Neither we have any desire to process your personal data. We never ask you to send us your medical history and any relevant personal data. It's between you and Cuban clinic. We are just a paid directory.

For first choice all medical specialties Havana clinic for foreigners contacts please see Cuban clinics page

ask your medical questions here

As a starting point, get the proper Cuban clinics directory and English-speaking telephone number. If you need Cuban clinic contacts it's simpler and quicker just to make your own research. However if you are busy or reluctant to search Cuban websites there's every chance that we can provide required contacts at a very moderate fee.

Contact e-mail:


+ 53 588 11 00 17 (sometimes unaccessible from outside Cuba)

Don't let your doubts hold you back. Comfortable mode of payment from ANY country online.

If you are experiencing any difficulty please contact us via Email.

You may as well see answered some questions that come up while we are not able to answer at Cuba Doctors Patients Health Forum. Feel free to post your question there first.