Latest Cuba Medical News:
In Cuba 80% kids with leukemia get cured
In Cuba four of five children with acute lymphoid leukemia have been cured of this type of cancer which is most common in childhood age worldwide. Success comparable with those of developed nations and represents an important achievement for the national health system.
New Swedish Beauty Routine for Plastic Surgery in Cuba
8 Countries test new Cuban vaccine against chronic hepatitis B
New Cuban vaccine for treatment of chronic hepatitis B is currently undergoing clinical trials in Cuba and eight Asian countries, with cooperation of French company Abivax.
The new Cuban medicine called HeberNasvac was developed by researchers of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). The new drug that is administered nasally and subcutaneously and has proven to be more effective and safer than all other existing medications available for this virus in the world today.
Finding the Right Doctor in Cuba Self-Pay Patients Guide
As Cuba has been in the news recently, some wonder if Cuba has become any closer to being a viable medical travel destination for those who have health issues that require special attention.
As a matter of fact Cuba has long been known for producing quality doctors and providing excellent medical services. Cuban scientists are engaged in late-stage clinical trials in Europe for Heberprot-P, considered a potentially revolutionary medicine for diabetic foot ulcers. Other sectors in which Cuba can use its potential as a "medical power" are lung cancer treatment, cornea, kidney and bone marrow transplants and brain tissue transplants for Parkinson's disease patients.
Cuban clinics. Modest accommodations, very professional folks (in Spanish)
At Havana's clinics, reserved for foreigners, they handle all types of medical specialties. And if an in-house expert is unavailable, one can be borrowed from another hospital.
Advanced lung cancer treatment, prostate cancer treatment, drug rehab, post-accident and cerebral palsy motor skills rehabilitation, treatment for eye diseases and plastic surgery -- foreign patients can get all of these services and more in Cuba, and at competitive prices.
Heart surgeons in Cuba are doing very complex open heart surgery procedures such as on-pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) procedures including complete arterial revascularization. Their outcomes are excellent.
Breast augmentation surgery in Havana costs $1,248 (940 euros), compared to around $6,000 in the United States, $4,350 in Britain and $2,500 in Mexico. On any given day there are 2,000 patients at the largest one of reserved for foreigners Havana clinic from around the world.
Most come from Latin America, but there are also patients from places like Angola, Canada, Spain, and even Cuban-Americans from the US. Canadians, or Americans pretending to be Canadians are a target market for eye surgery, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, medical check-ups, diabetic foot ulcer treatment and orthopedics. Health tourists are offered top level care at prices that are often far below those in North America. While it is not legal for Americans to go to Cuba as medical tourists, it is legal in Cuba for clinics to deal with Americans; so some Americans either ignore the ban and hope to avoid the fines, or travel from Canada or Mexico.

Among the portfolio of medical programs offered in Cuba one of the most popular is that of quality of life, focused on the prevention and early detection of disease, promoting healthy lifestyles, well-designed and directed toward reducing risk factors for chronic, non-infectious illnesses. Unique Cuban treatments for skin diseases, vitiligo, psoriasis and hair transplantation, glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes treatment, lung cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, neurological rehabilitation Parkinson's disease treatment, Alzheimer, nervous system disorders, orthopedics, traumatology, plastic surgery, hepatitis B and C treatment in Cuba are luring thousands of patients from all over the world to Havana as Cuba establishes itself as a top medical center for the whole world.